Saturday, August 26, 2023

New Release!

My story "Starlight and the Dire Child," appears alongside great short stories featuring evil cats, apprehensive unicorns, and Good Boys who just want to dig a hole. Oh, and a satyr x goblin meet-cute. 

By Wing and Paw: A Story Valley Anthology

In fantasy, creatures are often kept on the sidelines, supporting heroes and villains with their backs for riding or their teeth for biting foes. But these creatures have their own minds, too. They see these fantastic worlds with whole other colors and wonders than does humanity.

These stories are told from the eyes and hearts of inhuman creatures as battles are waged, as dreams are sought out, as nefarious ambitions are satisfied, and as worlds are explored on their wings and paws.

This collection of nine stories, written by the writers of Story Valley for their first ever anthology, is filled with wonder and intrigue and even a bit of darkness. Enter, and live and breathe with creatures fantastical.

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