Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Book Birthday Twins! #Premeditations #MillroadAcademy

Everyone loves a book birthday!

Both Premeditations and The Girl in Acid Park release today!

Happy Book Birthday, Lauren Harris!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Last day to Pre-Order #PREMEDITATIONS

Folks, this is the last day to preoder PREMEDITATIONS so that it will ship on December 15th!

With these compulsively readable stories, Michelle Ristuccia creates a new genre in PREMEDITATIONS. This chapbook achieves a fresh look at our times, seeming to simplify while posing new questions about all we accept as reality — much as fairy tales and sci fi must have when first told. Ristuccia reveals forbidden texts, such as the complete “Articles of Faith” concerning cookies: tenets that are funny and a little sad, that cut to the core of our many belief systems. She dares tell first-person, true-life accounts of encounters with stick figures that become threatening; with a father who has a dangerous, rejuvenating secret; with immature non-human beings that in no way resemble anything we’ve come to expect. Whether humanoid, android, or otherwise sentient, PREMEDITATIONS is a must read.

  • FREE shipping US, $2 elsewhere
  • same rate for all options below
  • pre-orders will ship on or before 15 December 2015

PREMEDITATIONS releases tomorrow, so get in your preorders now!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Review: The Girl in Acid Park by Lauren Harris

The Girl in Acid Park by Lauren Harris is fast-paced adventure and an emotional roller coaster told in the voice of crime-busting, paranormal investigator wannabe Georgia Collins. Georgia has always wanted to be a journalist, but when her underground newspaper Toilet Paper goes viral after her encounter with a ghost, she finds her fame to be of the unpleasant, social-outcast sort. A few heated words later and even her best friend Hiroki is shunning her.

Bereft of her best friend's support, Georgia falls on her resolute nature to drive her forward through a half-baked plan to restore her name by solving another murder.

Lauren Harris writes chest-squeezing descriptions of social anxiety and heart-break, leading to stronger characters who intentionally improve their emotional intelligence. The Girl in Acid Park (The Millroad Academy Exorcists Book 2) is even better than its predecessor, Exorcising Aaron Nguyen (The Millroad Academy Exorcists Book 1).

The Millroad Academy Exorcists is a series of paranormal mystery novellas set in the out-country of North Caronlina, at Millroad Academy prep school. The Girl in Acid Park (Book 2) is now available for preorder:



The Girl in Acid Park (Book 2)

The shenanigans continue...

Unlike her best friend Hiroki, Georgia Collins can't see or talk to dead people. But she recently discovered she can help ghosts move on--no exorcism required! Unfortunately, so did the national media. Her underground blog is not so underground anymore and the Millroad Catholic Academy students with their scandals on exposé are less than thrilled about Georgia's journalistic success.

But Georgia has never been one to let things blow over, so when the police request paranormal assistance on a new murder case, Georgia decides to make the unwanted spotlight work her way and agrees to help...except she didn't expect Hiroki to refuse.


Preorder Now on Amazon ] !

For a limited time, join Lauren Harris' mailing list and read the first book, Exorcising Aaron Nguyen, for free. Then, give it some love on [ Amazon ] and [Goodreads].

Prefer audio books? Pick up Exorcising Aaron Nguyen at [Audible]. 

Lauren Harris

You can find out more about Lauren Harris' upcoming stories and her narration at [www.laurenbharris.com].

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Review: "Exorcising Aaron Nguyen" by Lauren Harris #Millroadacademy

Exorcising Aaron Nguyen by Lauren Harris is a paranormal mystery novella and the first in a series, The Millroad Academy Exorcists:


What's a little murder between friends?

The murder of Millroad Catholic Academy's resident genius, Aaron Nguyen, shuts down student life at the boarding school in rural North Carolina...for about a week. With the resilience of youth, the student body bounces back, and the memory of murder is nothing but a streamer of caution tape fluttering in the breeze. Unfortunately for them, Aaron's spirit has some resilience as well. 

Hoping for spontaneous romantic combustion with her ghost-seeing best friend Hiroki, school gossip journalist Georgia Collins agrees to help bring Aaron's murderers to justice and set the vengeful spirit free...but it's not quite the close encounter she's hoping for. 


First off, Exorcising Aaron Nguyen is both dramatic and funny. Even the chapter titles are hilarious. Harris portrays the the frivolity of high school existence through the eyes of large-as-life characters with big hearts and big mouths. Throw in the ghosts of dead students and a little murder mystery and you have the entertaining adventure that is Exorcising Aaron Nguyen.

Exorcising Aaron Nguyen is also available as an audiobook. Lauren Harris narrates with a pleasant, emotive voice that matches perfectly with this first-person novella. Her intonation, measured pace, and clear accent carry the story along through its exciting ending. Lauren Harris is an accomplished narrator who had voiced many stories on EscapePod, Drabblecast, The Dunesteef, and Walk the Fire.

You can pick up Exorcising Aaron Nguyen at [Amazon] or [Audible]. Give it some love on [Goodreads].

I'm excited to read the next installment, The Girl in Acid Park, available now for pre-order at [Amazon].

You can find out more about Lauren Harris' upcoming stories and her narration at [www.laurenbharris.com].

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Review: Awst Collection by Kendra Fortmyer

Awst Collection in Print - Kendra Fortmeyer

I've enjoyed many new stories by Kendra Fortmeyer this year, so imagine how excited I was when Awst Press published this beautiful chapbook!

"The Girl Who Could Only Say sex, drugs, and rock & roll" is a story about the limits of language and the limitlessness of the human soul. The narrator is a young book nerd who meets a fellow high school student who can only utter the words sex, drugs, and rock & roll.

Pick up your copy here!

Don't stop there: read "Mermaids at the End of the Universe" and "Continue? Y/N" right now!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#Premeditations Teaser

Here's a peek at the first story in my speculative fiction chapbook, PREMEDITATIONS!

Statements of faith like the Nicene Creed provided inspiration for this piece... and an excellent smoore chocolate chip cookie recipe.