The good news is that I'm up to 5,000 words in my short story! The less awesome news is, well, that. The first draft isn't even done yet. I'd prefer the final draft to be less than 5k. But first thing's first - to finish this first draft. Tomorrow.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Day 40
I prefer round numbers, like 40 and 10:00pm, and ending my writing time at a scene break. (Despite hearing good advice to the contrary!)
Today has been an orderly day. 500 words.
Next time C arranges the fridge magnets in a straight line, I won't wonder who he inherited that impulse from. ;)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Determined not to be a Bust!
Writing Marathon, Day 39: I'm glad I made time to write a bit this morning, because this evening is a no go. If I had waited until now, I'm sure I wouldn't have even gotten 300 words. Generally, I have made great progress on this short story over the last couple of nights: about 3000 words and endless brainstorming to work out plot kinks. I feel like I have the garden of forking paths crammed in my head, and its the gardener's day off!
The plan is to finish the 1st draft this week, then write a few nonfiction articles, then editing - if not this current WIP, then People of the Sea, which has been waiting around, pouting over my shoulder for over a month now.
My submission goals? I'm calling those a bust for now.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
900 Words
I was sitting in the car today, dwelling on an urge to write a short story, when it came to me how to restructure a certain WIP to do just that. I hope. The good news is that I wrote 900 words in it tonight. The iffy news is that I forgot how short 900 words can be. I have only gotten through two out of seven bullet points in my outline, and I didn't outline an end scene yet. Hmm.
It could still be short enough. Wish me luck!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Boot to the head
This is my boot to the head for tomorrow, because tonight I spent far too little time beta reading and far too much time nostalgically moving photos off of my camera and phone into the correct, dated folders on my computer. Productive writing time was doomed the minute I accidentally clicked the folder for April 2010, when C was only 9 months old. <3
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Beta Reading, Reviews, And Pinterest!
<p>Yesterday I finally put in real beta reading time. A chapter a week was one of my goals, after all! Let's not talk about my other goals... ahem.</p>
<p>I discovered today that there is a Blogger App for my phone. Woohoo! Having my posts limited to the length of a text message was restrictive, even for me. </p>
<p>Did you see the new nonfiction project I've been working on? G<a href="">irl, That's Pinteresting</a> is a blog detailing my friend Erin and I's attempt to recreate pins we see for our family - mostly delicious food and fun home schooling activities. Most of my writing time has been going to that and to writing YA reviews. A successful enough month of writing so far!</p>
Tonight: finished my review for Apollo's Outcast, sent it off, and prepared two Pinteresting blog entries.</p>