Sunday, February 28, 2016

Narration: Leapling by Nicole Feldringer @CastofWonders

Today Cast of Wonders published Episode 199: Leapling by Nicole Feldringer, narrated by yours truly. "Leapling" is about a teen who confronts her wayward brother as part of her destiny foretold to her by her grandmother.  

Cast of Wonders is a pro-paying YA market that I've narrated for before. They are part of the Escape Artists podcasts, along with Escape Pod and Podcastle. You can comment about the story here on the Escape Artists forum.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: #Ephemeral by Miguel Lupian

Ephemeral by Miguel Lupian, translated by Joseph Hutchison, is a collection of inspiringly bizarre flash fiction headed by "Blind Man's First Diary Entry." Each reality-bending piece is a poetically poignant mix of the senses.

I love how the original Spanish version is placed opposite the translation, giving this collection added depth for bilingual readers and Spanish language enthusiasts.

You can purchase Ephemeral from [ Folded Word ] or from [ Amazon ] in paperback.

Have twitter? Connect with the author @mortinatos, the translator @poetjhwriter, and the publisher @FoldedWord and use the hashtag #Ephemeral

Check out more of Folded Word's Chapbooks!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Review: #LAnguille by Jon Trobaugh

L'Anguille by Jon Trobaugh is a chapbook of three disturbing stories centering around children in desperate, real-world situations. Often, the adults are failing these children -- dysfunctional isn't a strong enough word. Each story grabs the reader's attention with a strong opening line, and doesn't let go until the less-than-happy ending.

You can purchase L'Anguille from [ Folded Word ] or from [ Amazon ] in paperback or in ebook format.

Have twitter? Connect with the author @jontrobaugh and the publisher @FoldedWord

Check more of Folded Word's Chapbooks!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Review: Lepidopterist by Kendra Fortmeyer

Hop on over to Hobart Pulp to read "Lepidopterist" by Kendra Fortmeyer. "Lepidopterist" is a flash piece that brings the reader into the twisted mind of a killer.

You can also check out Fortmeyer's chapbook here and my review for it here. Enjoy!