Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chapbook with Folded Word

I've had a couple of things published with Folded Word/PicFic before (see sidebar), and I've always enjoyed communicating with their staff, and, of course, reading their publications. That's why I'm super excited to announce that they are publishing a chapbook of my flash fiction called "Peace Across the Universe," so named after one of the stories in the collection. I'm also excited because these pieces are stronger together than they were apart, exactly like a bundle of sticks, and especially if you can imagine it being said in a deep, movie-announcer-type voice.

It's not there yet. You can bet I'll let you know when it is. For now, though, you can see the other chapbooks that they offer.

Clicky clicky:
Folded Word's Chapbooks

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wow, What a Hiatus

So, when I said the holidays were going to be crazy, I had *no* idea. I thought I'd be back to writing in early January, but then it turned out I had other projects to work on (examples: and and now it's February. In the mean time, the audio production for Worlds Apart came out. If you haven't heard it already, tsk tsk! You should have subscribed to Dead Robots Society when I mentioned the podcast last time, because it's just plain awesome! And, naturally, they did an awesome job producing the story in audio.

Vicki and I had planned to record for Dear Editor over the break, but right when we were going to record, she got sick! Arg! But since then we've managed to record any way, and yesterday I edited a review and an episode, and still have more to edit. Yay!

In the past week or so I had a short story idea that finally grabbed me enough to entice me back into writing. Finished the first draft already, and soon it will be up to beta readers. >:D OMG I wrote steam punk! Or tried to, any way.